On the other side of the holidays, are you finding yourself on the other side of ideal health, as well? Whether you sampled a few too many holiday dishes, went back to fill up on your favorites a few too many times, slacked on the exercise, or simply found yourself occupied by all-out combat with an army of winter germs, now is prime time to reprogram your body to crave what’s best for it. There’s simply no replacement for fresh vegetables and fruits as part of a clean, mindful diet based on moderation. Let’s discuss some ways dōTERRA® can help this reprogramming happen in a pleasant and palatable way!
Recipe number one is a tailor-tossed salad, packaged to perfection and freshly flavored. You’ll want to gather your Basil, Lemon, and Lime essential oils before throwing together these quick, elegant salad portions. Looking for an oily make-and-take idea? Tuck this recipe away, being sure to serve up some delicious combos for your guests to enjoy before they create their own to bring home. To share the cost, which could grant you the freedom to be more liberal in your spread of salad ingredients to share, ask your guests to bring their own mason jar(s).
To toss together Salad in a Jar, you’ll need:
Quart-sized jar
½ lemon
1 toothpick swirl Basil
Pinch of salt
2 drops Lemon or Lime
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salad veggies of choice
Squeeze ½ lemon into a quart-sized jar. Swirl in Basil essential oil. Add pinch of salt, olive oil, and Lemon or Lime essential oils. Fill jar with vegetables, adding the firmest first and placing salad greens at the top. Refrigerate; salad lasts several days kept cold. Before serving, turn jar upside down and shake to distribute dressing. When you’re ready to reach for this healthy meal, empty jar contents into a large bowl or plate and serve. To beef it up, add avocado, croutons, or other toppings, including your favorite proteins.
Imagine a fridge stocked with a few rows of these ready-to-go jar salads! They could provide just the structure you need for a New Year’s reset. To finish things off with a sweet sensation, grab your Grapefruit, Peppermint, Ginger, or Cinnamon Bark. Choosing from among this gang, mix and match as desired to sweeten the deal whenever you enjoy a favorite beverage or smoothie. Make a healthy choice feel more indulgent by adding a drop of tart Grapefruit to a yogurt parfait or a drop of invigorating Peppermint to - well - basically anything with dark chocolate. Add hot Ginger oil to a cup of tea laced with honey, or whip up an Apple Cake with spicy Cinnamon Bark. Let dōTERRA support both a positive mood and healthy metabolism with eats like these, which are both smart and sweet!