• Master Your Metabolism

    for gut health and metabolism reset

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  • Welcome!

    Grab your workbook here to follow along with the daily checklists and activities to keep you on track to Mastering Your Metabolism and working with tools for your daily routine.

    Check back each day for both daily prompts and be sure to leave a comment in the Contact Form when you're done!

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    So excited you’re here with us! If you missed the LIVE welcome post today, please go to the pinned post announcements in this group to get all of the details on this challenge!


    Here is a quick review of what you’ll need to get started:

    1. Be sure your workbook is printed and review what we will be covering in this challenge
    2. Review this shopping list for food items you will need for the week and plan ahead so you are prepared for success!
    3. Calculate your daily water intake and write it on each page of your daily checklist so you can keep track!
    4. Make your Zendocrine Roller for application 2x per day!
    5. Put your supplements out in a spot where you will see them daily to remind yourself to take them! Some great places are near your coffee/tea pot, your bathroom counter or next to the kitchen sink!
    6. Throw away or get rid of things you want to avoid during these next 10 days such as alcohol, soda, sugar and processed foods so you are not tempted to binge.
    7. Start taking your supplements TODAY and doing all of your daily checklist items RIGHT NOW!
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    Check out today’s vitality assessment graphic. Rate yourself in the categories shown and type out your results in the comments on this post. What area(s) do you feel you want to make the biggest impact? What area(s) will make you FEEL the most different?


    Be sure to take note of things you want to track including weight, inches, energy levels, and take pics for before and afters so you can really see the difference! This challenge isn’t about who can lose the most weight, but rather how much better you FEEL!

  • Questions or Comments?

    Please complete the Wellness Survery and You will be contacted within 72 hours.

    111 Brighton Street
    La Porte Indiana 46350
    United States
    (219) 575-3337